-50% Shapes COLD SPARKLE HEARTS 17.5cm TXF318 - sparklers 2 pieces Symbol: TXF318 SPRZEDANO: 128 zł5.00 zł10.00 A set of well-known and popular heart-shaped sparklers from TRIPLEX, 17.5 cm long. The package contains 2 pieces Add to cart
-25% Shapes LARGE SPARKERS HEARTS 40cm TXF268 - sparklers 2 pieces Symbol: TXF268 SPRZEDANO: 185 zł15.00 zł20.00 Large heart-shaped sparklers from TRIPLEX, 40 cm long. The package contains 2 pieces. Burning time approx. 2 minutes Add to cart
-33.33% Sparklers TXF318-4 ZIMNE OGNIE SERCA 2/2 Symbol: TXF318-4 SPRZEDANO: 207 zł10.00 zł15.00 Zimne ognie w kształcie serc od firmy TRIPLEXKategoria F1– długość 17,5 cm– efekt: srebrne iskry Add to cart
Shapes HEART-SHAPED COLD SPARKERS VP12MIX - 1 piece Symbol: VP12TS SPRZEDANO: 90 zł5.00 Original sparklers, +/- 25 cm long, from the Czech company KLASEK. Burning time (depending on shape) from 30 to 50 seconds. Add to cart
-16.67% Shapes COLD SPARKLES HEARTS 17.5cm TXF318 - sparklers 10 pieces Symbol: TXF318-10 SPRZEDANO: 177 zł25.00 zł30.00 A set of well-known and popular heart-shaped sparklers from TRIPLEX, 17.5 cm long. The package contains 10 pieces Add to cart
Shapes STAR-SHAPED SPARKERS VP12MIX - 1 piece Symbol: VP12TN SPRZEDANO: 91 zł5.00 Original sparklers, +/- 25 cm long, from the Czech company KLASEK. Burning time (depending on shape) from 30 to 50 seconds. Add to cart
-25% Shapes COLD SPARKLE HEARTS 17.5cm TXF373 - sparklers 24 pieces Symbol: TXF373-6 SPRZEDANO: 112 zł45.00 zł60.00 A set of well-known and popular heart-shaped sparklers from TRIPLEX, 17.5 cm long. The package contains 24 pieces. Operating time +/- 30 seconds Add to cart
-20% Shapes COLD SPARKLES HEARTS 17.5cm TXF373 - sparklers 4 pieces Symbol: TXF373 SPRZEDANO: 112 zł8.00 zł10.00 A set of well-known and popular heart-shaped sparklers from TRIPLEX, 17.5 cm long. The package contains 4 pieces. Operating time +/- 30 seconds Add to cart
-20% Shapes TXF411 sparkler carousel Symbol: TXF411 SPRZEDANO: 81 zł20.00 zł25.00 Cold Fire Battery from TRIPLEX. Operating time +/- 80 seconds. Add to cart
-20% Shapes COLD SPARKERS 17cm TXF443 - 4 pieces of sparklers Symbol: TXF443 SPRZEDANO: 106 zł8.00 zł10.00 A set of well-known and popular TRIPLEX sparklers, 17 cm long. The package contains 4 pieces Add to cart